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BBB Reliability Report for:
One Stop Motors
BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report. Find out more about this business:
BBB Reliability Report for:
One Stop Motors
BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report. Find out more about this business:
BBB Accreditation:
Onestopmotors is not a BBB Accredited Business.
BBB Rating:
Based on BBB files, onestopmotors has a below average BBB rating of “D”.
Reasons for this rating include:
Number of complaints filed against onestopmotors.
Number of complaints filed against onestopmotors that were not resolved.
Business Contact and Profile:
Onestopmotors is not a BBB Accredited Business.
BBB Rating:
Based on BBB files, onestopmotors has a below average BBB rating of “D”.
Reasons for this rating include:
Number of complaints filed against onestopmotors.
Number of complaints filed against onestopmotors that were not resolved.
Business Contact and Profile:
company name: onestopmotors or one stop motors
company location: 2950 South Rancho Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
company location: 2950 South Rancho Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
as of 3/20/2009, we confirmed this company has a valid local business license for the locale in which they operate.
Onestopmotors Customer Complaint History
The Bureau processed a total of 182 complaint(s) about OneStopMotors in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period.
Complaints Concerned:
- 35 - Selling Practices
- 2 – Onestopmotors sales presentation misrepresented the product
- 4 – Onestopmotors sales presentation misrepresented the service
- 5 - Onestopmotors sales presentation used dishonest sales practices
- 1 - Onestopmotors sales presentation not consistent with the written agreement
- 1 - Onestopmotors sales presentation not consistent with advertisement
- 22 - General Sales Complaint Issues
- 82 - Advertising Issues
- 4 - Advertisement misrepresented a product
- 14 - Advertisement misrepresented a service
- 3 - Advertised terms not honored by onestopmotors
- 61 - General Advertising Complaint Issues
- 22 - Service Issues
- 3 - Improper or inferior service
- 1 - Unauthorized service
1 – Onestopmotors failure to honor service estimate or agreement - 17 - General Service Complaint Issues
- 3 - Billing or Collection Issues
- 1 - Unauthorized credit card charges
- 1 - Unauthorized bank debits
- 1 - General Credit or Billing Complaint Issues
- 20 - Refund or Exchange Issues
- 1 - Onestopmotors failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies
- 19 - General Refund or Exchange Complaint Issues
- 1 - Product Issues
- 1 - General Product Quality Complaint Issues
- 10 - Contract Issues
- 5 - Failure to honor a contract or agreement
- 1 - Unauthorized changes to the contract or agreement
- 4 - General Contract Complaint Issues
- 3 - Guarantee or Warranty Issues
- 1 - Failure to honor money-back guarantees
- 2 - General Guarantee or Warranty Complaint Issues
- 2 - Repair Issues
- 2 - General Repair Complaint Issues
- 4 - Onestopmotors Customer Service Issues
- 4 - General Onestopmotors Customer Service Complaint Issues
BBB Reliability Reports generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Reliability Reports are subject to change at any time.
If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted the BBB for a BBB Reliability Report. ID: 65959
Report as of: 4/27/2009
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To view even more details about onestopmotors visit the Las Vegas Better Business Bureau website by clicking on the link at top of page.